Josep to be singing in Moscow on February, 14th

Gli ultimi giorni sono stati allietati da diverse notizie su nuove date, e incredibilmente una tra queste è stata incredibilmente apprezzata anche da parte mia, ma non ne discuterò in questa sede.
Josep canterà a Mosca il prossimo 14 febbraio, data in cui in molti festeggiano il giorno degli innamorati. Ma che c'entra questo? Nulla.
Si esibirà al Barvikha Luxury Village Concert Hall; eventuali informazioni circa l'acquisto dei biglietti le troverete qui a fianco.

In attesa di questa data Josep ha rilasciato un'intervista a Barcellona nell sala stampa della Fundación. Solo tre domande sono consentite, si tratta di un uomo estremamente occupato. Carreras effettua il suo ingresso nella sala chiedendo dov'era opportuno che si sedesse per iniziare immediatamente l'intervista: ed è qui che inizia la parte comica, ovvero l'elenco delle parole in lingua russa che è in grado di comprendere. Tengo a precisare che la parte comica risiede unicamente nell'espressione del tenore. "Olga, poeta... e naturalmente Tchajkovski, certo, ovviamente".

Non risparmia gli elogi alla lingua Russa, una lingua molto musicale, l'ideale per il canto per la sua ricchezza di suoni vocalici: spera sempre di poter includere nel suo repertorio l'ara di Lensky.

Non mancano nemmeno ai cenni alla sua professione -rispetto alla quale riconosce di essere un uomo fortunato per poter fare ciò che più ama: più cant e più è consapevole di questo;- e alla sua Fundación contra la Leucemia, una delle parti più importanti della sua vita: afferma che stanno portando avanti un buon lavoro (e lo sappiamo bene!) ma che ancora non è abbastanza, non vi sarà fine fino al giorno in cui la leucemia sarà curabile per tutti e in ogni caso.

Ricapitolando: Josep Carreras canterà a Mosca nel giorno degli innamorati; racconta che ogni volta che ha cantato era sempre innamorato, anche se non necessariamente della stessa persona. Ma saggia è la decisione dei giornalsti, che evitano il rischio di sforare con domande sulla sfera privata, consapevoli del fatto che al Sr. Carreras non piace parlarne.


  1. Pues...bien! Bonito, Bonito un concierto de Josep Carreras, el 14 de Febrero! Para mí, todos los días son días ciertos para celebrar el Amor! Pero, está muy bine que exista un día - o más, que mi corazón está con la Díada de San Jordi, también - que nadie pueda ignorar, particularmente pensado para celebrarlo. Creo que no será necesario decir que para mí, celebrar ese día con Josep Carreras es celebrar este sentimiento, desde su esencia más Profunda y Arrebatadora, el sentimiento sin el cual no puedes descubrir y vivir la vida, en toda su paleta de colores y matices.

    La entrevista es corta pero, me ha gustado tantísimo! Josep aparece lleno de charme, "bello proprio", y con ese bonísimo gusto en el vestir, algo que es una constante en él! Me encantó apreciar allí, algo de su lado de Presidente. Me encantó ese gesto que tiene cuando se acerca él mismo a Ana Boix, para trabajar. Me encantó su sonrisa, su risa, su humor! Me encantaron sus contestas!

    Sin embargo, su contesta sobre la lengua Rusa...bueno he vivido hace días una experiencia que me hizo sentir entre rejas, una de las peores cosas que pueden pasarme! Es que, si bien la fecha de este concierto la conocí ya muy tarde (para Rusia es, además, necesario una Visa), aún lo he intentado a todo para obtener una entrada! A un cierto punto, en el ultimo de mis varios intentos, y ante las únicas palabras que podía escuchar del otro lado de la línea (un permanente "Not English, Russian, Russian), dice las palabras mágicas: "Carreras ticket, one!" A partir de aquí, he escuchado una sucesión de exclamaciones, ("ah" y "oh" suenan praticamente igual, en Russo, Catalan, Inglés o Portugués...): finalmente nos comprendíamos! Y, he podido escuchar "50.000" y "10.000"! He repetido "10.000, one! I want to pay!" A partir de aquí, resulta muy difícil describrir mi desespero, cási desgarro, porque no he podido comprender una palabra más! Era increíble escuchar como articulaban ellas, desde el más cuidado y claro fraseo, cada palabra en Ruso! Pero, el problema no era el no escuchar las palabras sino el no comprender su significado! El desespero de tenerlo justo allí, del otro lado de la línea, a lo que yo tanto quería, me llevó a empezar diciendo el número de la tarjeta de crédito! Si era eso lo que me estaban pidiendo del otro lado, ya podrían comprender lo que yo decía! Pero me han interrumpido con las mismas palabras que estaban diciendo antes! ! Y, la compra no se pudo realizar! O sea que, mientras esta experiencia siga representando un verdadero trauma para mí resulta difícil encontrar belleza en el idioma ruso, por muy egocéntrica que sea esta manera mía de sentir las cosas! Sin embargo, en el momento presente, es lo que llevo dentro!

    El Arte Apasionado de Josep Carreras estará haciendo un brindis al Amor, esa noche del 14 de Febrero! Con todo lo que quiere esto decir si es Josep Carreras el que lo hace! De todo corazón, deseo que sea un Triunfo Especial! De todo corazón deseo a cuantos estén allí, dos horas que no olviden más! Celebrar el Amor bajo el Arte de Josep Carreras, es un privilegio muy especial... de esos que quedan para siempre grabados en el alma... A veces pienso cuantas parejas se habrán enamorado bajo su Arte... o habrán sentido revivir el Amor bajo su Arte... o habrán intercambiado cariños de Amor bajo su Arte...! Porque Josep Carreras si que enamora...Pero tiene también el Arte de hacer que dos personas se enamoren la una de la otra...o, disfruten aún más del Amor que ya los une...

    Josep Carreras, el tenor del Amor sube a la escena, el próximo 14 de Febrero, en las afueras de Moscú...Desde sua Arte, la celebración del Amor, Sentimiento de los Sentimientos, desde distintas manifestaciones que puede asumir... celebración de la Emoción Pura...desde su Magnetismo la mano del Profundo lado de Intimidad que desprende...Feliç Concert, Josep. A tot el estaré vivint amb tu! Amb tot el meu Afecte!

  2. Well ... good! Very nice, lovely, a Josep Carreras concert, next 14th of February!! For me, every day is the right day to celebrate Love! But it is good that there is a day - or more, since my heart also beats with La Diada de San Jordi - that nobody can ignore, especially designed to celebrate it. I will not need to say that for me, to celebrate this day with Josep Carreras is holding this sentiment from its deepest and enthralling essence sense without which you are unable to discover and live life in all its palette of colors and shades.

    The interview is short but I did enjoy it! Josep is full of charm, "bello proprio", and with that very fine taste in clothing, something that is a constant in him! I loved see here something about his side as President of the Foundation.. I loved that gesture when Josep comes to Ana Boix, to work with her. He doesn’t call, instead he comes! I loved his smile, his laugh, his humor! And I loved his answers!

    But his answer on the Russian language ... well, some four days ago I lived an experience that made me feel in behind bars, one of the worst things that can happen to me. In fact, even if the date of this concert came to my knowledge already a bit late (also considering that you need a Visa to go to Russia) the truth is that I tried everything to get a ticket! At one point, the last of my several attempts, and since the only words I could hear from the other side of the line were a permanent "Not English, Russian, Russian), just decided to say some magic words:" Carreras ticket, one!”. From that moment on just heard a series of exclamations, (" ah "and" oh "sound like the same, in Russian, Catalan, English or Portuguese ...): finally we were able to understand each other! And then, having heard " 50,000 " and "10,000", I repeated "10,000, one! I want to pay!" Well, from that moment on, my despair, even torn, defies words because just couldn’t t understand one single word." It was incredible to hear them ( there was someone else also trying to help) articulating the words in Russian, with the most careful and clear phrasing! But the problem was not that I could not hear the words, the problem was I had no idea about the meaning of the words!! The ticket, what was suppose to become my ticket, was right there, on the other side of the line. Felt so desperate that at some moment just started to say the numbers of my credit card:: if that was what they were asking me, they would understand, as they had understood “one ticket”.! But was immediately interrupted with the same words they were saying before! And, the purchase simply could not go on, even if we stood on the line for twenty minutes!! So, while this experience continues to pose a real trauma for me ... I find it hard to find any beauty in the Russian language, no matter how egocentric this may be! But, at the present, this is what I feel!

    The Passionate Art of José Carreras will be making a toast to love, that night of February the 14th! And with Jose Carreras the meaning of this is enormous! With all my heart, I wish that this concert turns out to be a Special Triumph! Wish wholeheartedly that all those who are in the room may experience a once in a life time experience! Celebrating Love under Josep Carreras Art, that is a very special privilege ... one of those that remain forever engraved in your soul ... Sometimes I wonder how many couples did fall in love under his Art ... or have felt their love to regain life under his Art ... or have exchanged caresses under his Art ...! Because it is true that Josep Carreras displays the Art of putting you under his spell… But it is also true that his Art can make that two people simply fall in love for each other… or simply make to people to enjoy even more the love they already feel for each other…


  3. ...

    Josep Carreras, the Tenor of Love, goes onto the stage next 14th of February, on the outskirts of Moscow ... With his Art, there will be the celebration of Love, the Feeling of Feelings, in different kind of situations… The celebration of Pure Emotion ... with Josep Carreras overwhelming magnetism …together with that deep side of Intimacy he displays… Feliç Concert, Josep. A tot el estaré vivint amb tu! Amb tot el meu Afecte!


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