A poche settimane di distanza dal successo strepitoso dell'opera El Juez a Vienna, Josep Carreras prosegue la propria attività concertistica estiva che lo porterà ad esibirsi presso l'incantevole anfiteatro romano di Pola, Croazia, domani sera: si tratta di un concerto di beneficenza insieme al soprano Martina Zadro, la violoncellista Ana Rucner e l'Orchestra Sinfonica di Fiume diretta da David Giménez.
Dopo il benvenuto ricevuto dal sindaco di Pola in occasione della sua terza visita nella città croata, al tenore sono state rivolte domande in inglese e in italiano. In base a queste, Carreras illustra il ruolo che la musica ha avuto nel corso della sua malattia: quale cantante professionista, infatti, è normale che sia stata di grande aiuto dal momento in cui fino a quel momento era stata la cosa più importante della sua vita insieme alla famiglia; ne sottolinea inoltre il potere terapeutico, cui si fa un ricorso sempre maggiore, specialmente a beneficio di pazienti oncologici.
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'Project the voice!" Carreras said to a journalist during the press conference in Pula. |
Molto felice di tornare a Pola per la terza volta, fa menzione degli artisti che condivideranno il palco con lui, augurandosi che il programma che verrà offerto sia quello più gradito e atteso dal pubblico, nel quale sicuramente rientrerà parte del repertorio italiano, spagnolo, e sicuramente qualcosa di Verdi.
In quanto al coinvolgimento, sostiene non ci sia molta differenza per un artista tra la recita d'opera e il concerto: senza dubbio la prima, costituisce la realtà più autentica e naturale, tale per cui il cantante interpreta un personaggio, indossandone le vesti, immerso in una scenografia e circondato da colleghi; d'altro canto, in un concerto l'artista esprime le emozioni nello stesso modo, senza contare che al giorno d'oggi certi tipi di concerti costituiscono per un pubblico più ampio ed eterogeneo un'opportunità fondamentale per entrare in contatto con questo determinato genere musicale, motivo per cui si rivela un'ulteriore sfida. Ad ogni modo, quello che conta è potersi esibire cantando la stessa musica, seppur per un pubblico differente.
Tra i tenori dell'attualità riconosce la presenza di grandissimi cantanti, ma, molto umilmente, non si permette di individuare nessuno come eventuale erede: 'sarebbe arrogante da parte mia' ha commentato.
Come lingua madre per quanto riguarda il canto e l'opera assegna il primo posto all'italiano, seguito dallo spagnolo e dopo ancora dal russo... 'ma non lo parlo' ha detto onestamente. La motivazione di queste scelte sta nella ricchezza di vocali nelle suddette lingue, che favorisce il canto legato.
La tristezza per mancanza di Luciano Pavarotti, scomparso troppo presto, è un sentimento ancora molto vivo in Carreras, il quale lo ricorda non solo come uno dei migliori tenori della storia, ma soprattutto come una persona straordinaria, del quale ha goduto molto la compagnia.
Da parte sua, cerca di fare il possibile per collaborare in progetti e concerti umanitari e aiutare le persone più bisognose.
Al termine della conferenza stampa ha ricevuto un omaggio da parte del sindaco di Pola.
Oggi le prime prove con l'orchestra in vista del concerto di domani sera.
Three weeks after the resounding success of El Juez in Vienna, Josep Carreras continues his summer concert activity which will lead him to perform at the beautiful Roman amphitheater in Pula, Croatia, tomorrow evening: it is a benefit concert for children in need with soprano Martina Zadro, cellist Ana Rucner and the Rijeka Opera Symphony Orchestra conducted by David Gimenez.
Yesterday afternoon the press conference for the concert was held at the Park Plaza Histria Pula. The full video and a few excerpts of it are available.
After being welcomed by the mayor of Pula on the occasion of his third visit in the Croatian town, the tenor was asked questions both in English and Italian.
First of all, Carreras explained the role music has played during his illness: as one could well expect, it was a great help since it was the most important thing in his life along with the family, as he was already a professional singer; in addition, he emphasized its therapeutic power, which is increasingly opted for, especially for cancer patients.
He said he is very happy to return to Pula for the third time and mentioned the artists he will share the stage with, hoping that the program will be the one the public expect and like most: it will include part of the Italian, Spanish repertoire, and definitely something by Verdi.
With reference to involvement, he said that there is not much difference for an artist between opera and concert: undoubtedly the first is the most authentic reality, as the singer plays a character, wearing costume, immersed in a setting surrounded by colleagues; on the other hand, the artist expresses emotions in the same way in a concert, not to mention that lately such type of concerts is the only opportunity for a wider audience to get to know this music: this makes it a real treat. Anyway, what matters is to have the chance to perform and sing the same kind of music, albeit for a different audience.
According to him there are several great tenors in the current generation of opera singers, but, very humbly, he cannot identify anyone as his possible heir: 'it would be a bit arrogant of me' he said.
As a native language for opera singing he picked Italian, followed by the Spanish and then by Russian... 'but I do not speak Russian' he said honestly. The motivation of his choice has to be found in the huge amount of vowels in those languages, which favours the legato technique.
Carreras still misses Luciano Pavarotti a lot. He reminds him not only as one of the best tenors in history, but also as a great guy, whose company he has enjoyed so much.
Finally, he said he always tries to do his best joining humanitarian projects and offering charity concerts in order to help people in need.
At the end of the press conference he received a gift from the mayor of Pula.
Today the first rehearsals with the orchestra before tomorrow's concert.
Tra i tenori dell'attualità riconosce la presenza di grandissimi cantanti, ma, molto umilmente, non si permette di individuare nessuno come eventuale erede: 'sarebbe arrogante da parte mia' ha commentato.
Come lingua madre per quanto riguarda il canto e l'opera assegna il primo posto all'italiano, seguito dallo spagnolo e dopo ancora dal russo... 'ma non lo parlo' ha detto onestamente. La motivazione di queste scelte sta nella ricchezza di vocali nelle suddette lingue, che favorisce il canto legato.
La tristezza per mancanza di Luciano Pavarotti, scomparso troppo presto, è un sentimento ancora molto vivo in Carreras, il quale lo ricorda non solo come uno dei migliori tenori della storia, ma soprattutto come una persona straordinaria, del quale ha goduto molto la compagnia.
Da parte sua, cerca di fare il possibile per collaborare in progetti e concerti umanitari e aiutare le persone più bisognose.
Al termine della conferenza stampa ha ricevuto un omaggio da parte del sindaco di Pola.
Oggi le prime prove con l'orchestra in vista del concerto di domani sera.
Three weeks after the resounding success of El Juez in Vienna, Josep Carreras continues his summer concert activity which will lead him to perform at the beautiful Roman amphitheater in Pula, Croatia, tomorrow evening: it is a benefit concert for children in need with soprano Martina Zadro, cellist Ana Rucner and the Rijeka Opera Symphony Orchestra conducted by David Gimenez.
Yesterday afternoon the press conference for the concert was held at the Park Plaza Histria Pula. The full video and a few excerpts of it are available.
After being welcomed by the mayor of Pula on the occasion of his third visit in the Croatian town, the tenor was asked questions both in English and Italian.
First of all, Carreras explained the role music has played during his illness: as one could well expect, it was a great help since it was the most important thing in his life along with the family, as he was already a professional singer; in addition, he emphasized its therapeutic power, which is increasingly opted for, especially for cancer patients.
He said he is very happy to return to Pula for the third time and mentioned the artists he will share the stage with, hoping that the program will be the one the public expect and like most: it will include part of the Italian, Spanish repertoire, and definitely something by Verdi.
With reference to involvement, he said that there is not much difference for an artist between opera and concert: undoubtedly the first is the most authentic reality, as the singer plays a character, wearing costume, immersed in a setting surrounded by colleagues; on the other hand, the artist expresses emotions in the same way in a concert, not to mention that lately such type of concerts is the only opportunity for a wider audience to get to know this music: this makes it a real treat. Anyway, what matters is to have the chance to perform and sing the same kind of music, albeit for a different audience.
According to him there are several great tenors in the current generation of opera singers, but, very humbly, he cannot identify anyone as his possible heir: 'it would be a bit arrogant of me' he said.
As a native language for opera singing he picked Italian, followed by the Spanish and then by Russian... 'but I do not speak Russian' he said honestly. The motivation of his choice has to be found in the huge amount of vowels in those languages, which favours the legato technique.
Carreras still misses Luciano Pavarotti a lot. He reminds him not only as one of the best tenors in history, but also as a great guy, whose company he has enjoyed so much.
Finally, he said he always tries to do his best joining humanitarian projects and offering charity concerts in order to help people in need.
At the end of the press conference he received a gift from the mayor of Pula.
Today the first rehearsals with the orchestra before tomorrow's concert.
Que puedo decir del gran maestro Jose Carreras ,que ya no se ha dicho ,el como persona es un ser humano maravilloso ,y como tenor esta entre los más grandes de el XX.Es mi gran idolo haora y siempre,tiene todas mi admiración ,por siempre !!