
Showing posts from September, 2009

Carreras's testimony for European Partnership for Action Against Cancer

München - Regensburg - Marburg: Carreras against Leukemia

Loggione: "Il Canto dell'Anima" (pt. 1): VIDEO

Domani "Loggione" dedica la prima puntata a Josep Carreras

Carreras: Honorary Senator of the University of Regensburg

Éxito con música de cine en Vila-Seca

First Anniversary of the Blog: Feliç Aniversari!

Premio Pavarotti d'Oro 2009 per Josep Carreras

Belcanto al Cinema a Vila-Seca

In memoria del grande Luciano Pavarotti

30.000 Visite!

Ransbach-Baumbach and Mönchengladbach: remarkable, we suppose...