Josep Carreras presents his new album "25 - Meraviglioso" and his next debut in the new opera "El juez (Los niños perdidos)"
Come annunciato, ieri Josep Carreras ha presentato al Novomatic Kunstforum di Vienna i suoi futuri progetti: in primis, il nuovo disco "25 - Meraviglioso", in vendita a partire dal 6 dicembre, forse prima in Austria, e il suo prossimo debutto operistico con la nuova opera "El Juez (Los niños perdidos).
Nonostante la presentazione riguardasse in primo luogo il disco, intitolato ai 25 anni trascorsi dalla sua vittoria contro la leucemia e a Meraviglioso, brano di Domenico Modugno che ha cantato dal vivo per la prima volta lo scorso giovedì sempre a Vienna durante un gala benefico per lo sport, la stampa sembra aver dedicato ampio spazio alla presentazione in coda, ovvero all'opera nella quale debutterà a Bilbao in occasione della prima mondiale. Ad ogni modo molti grandi artisti come José Feliciano, Lang Lang, Richard Galliano, Alison Balsom o David Garrett hanno collaborato per la sua realizzazione in maniera disinteressata, rinunciando ai diritti di autore in favore della Fundación Josep Carreras contra la leucemia.
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Photo: © Georg Scheu Josep Carreras presenting his new album "25 - Meraviglioso" Source:; more photos: |
Approfittando del fatto che il produttore di "25 - Meraviglioso", Christian Kolonovits, sia anche il compositore di "El Juez", sono stati presentati alcuni dettagli dell'opera incentrata sul tema spagnolo dei bambini rubati dopo il Franchismo in Spagna. L'argomento rappresenta un ulteriore stimolo per il tenore che, si sente ulteriormente protagonista dell'opera che, dopo la presentazione al Teatro Arriaga di Bilbao prevista per il 26, 29 Aprile e 2 Maggio, verrà rappresentata al Festival Tirolese di Erl, in Austria il 9, 12 e 15 Agosto; si prevedono ulteriori recite in futuro a San Pietroburgo, Giappone, Buenos Aires e addirittura Vienna.
Josep Carreras vestirà i panni di Federico, il giudice che, come ha spiegato Kolonovits, apre le ricerche sui bambini rubati ai genitori dissidenti con la dittatura del Generale Franco, negli anni 60: non vi è alcuna intenzione di avviare un dibattito sulla situazione politica, poiché il messaggio politico è ritenuto comunque secondario rispetto al maggiormente risaltato interesse artistico dell'opera, che segna il ritorno del tenore dopo diversi anni dedicati esclusivamente e concerti e recital.
In merito a questo ritorno operistico, Carreras allude ironicamente a una seconda gioventù artistica e afferma di non avere intenzione di ritirarsi per ora: il momento arriverà, ma la felicità che prova ogni volta che ha modo di esibirsi sul palco lo porta egoisticamente a desiderare di continuare ancora per qualche anno. Quanti dipenderà da molti fattori.
La stessa presentazione avrà luogo anche a Berlino questo venerdì, 8 novembre (*): nel frattempo, Josep Carreras sarà ospite di diversi programmi televisivi di SKY Deutschland: questa sera commenterà le partite della Champions League a partire dalle ore 19 secondo quanto riportato qui, e domani, 6 novembre, il pubblico tedesco di Sky potrà vederlo ancora, questa volta all'Harald Schmidt Show su Sky Hit e Sky Hit HD alle 22:15.
Sky Deutchland sarà anche chi ospiterà quest'anno la 19esima edizione del José Carreras Gala, in onda il 19 dicembre alle 20:15: ulteriori dettagli dovrebbero essere resi noti da una conferenza stampa cui parteciperà anche Josep Carreras, e che dovrebbe essere prevista per questo giovedì.
(*) Presentazione a Berlino/ Presentation in Berlin:
Key facts:
As previously announced, yesterday Josep Carreras presented at the Novomatic Kunstforum in Vienna his future projects: first, his new album "25 - Meraviglioso", on sale from 6 December, perhaps before in Austria, and his next operatic debut with the new opera "El Juez (Los niños perdidos).
Despite the main thing was to present the almub, entitled to the 25 years since his victory over leukemia and to Meraviglioso, a song by Domenico Modugno he sang live for the first time last Thursday in Vienna during a sport charity gala, the press seems more interested about the new opera in which he will debut in Bilbao during the world premiere. However, many great artists such as José Feliciano, Lang Lang, Richard Galliano, Alison Balsom and David Garrett collaborated to tge making of in a disinterested way, supporting with their copyright the José Carreras Leukaemia Foundation.
Taking advantage of the fact that the producer of " 25 - Meraviglioso", Christian Kolonovits, is the composer of " El Juez" as well , they shared some details of the opera focused on the theme of the stolen children after the dictatorship in Spain. The topic is a further stimulus for the tenor who feels even more involved in it: after the presentation at the Teatro Arriaga in Bilbao scheduled for 26 , 29 April and 2 May , it will be represented at the Erl Tyrolean Festival, in Austria, on 9, 12 and 15 August; further performances might be expected in the future in St. Petersburg, Japan, Buenos Aires and even Vienna.
Josep Carreras will embody Federico, the judge who, as Kolonovits pointed out, started a research about stolen children from parents who were dissidents with Franco's dictatorship in the 60's: there is no intention to launch a debate on the political situation, because the political message stay behind the artistic interest of the work, which marks our tenor's operatic comeback after several years devoted exclusively to concerts and recitals.
About this, Carreras ironically alluded to a second artistic youth, and claims to have no imminent plans to retire yet: time will come, but the happiness he feels every time he performs on stage led him selfishly to desire to continue for a few years more: how many will depend on many factors.
The same presentation will also take place in Berlin this Friday, Nov. 8: meanwhile, Josep Carreras will be a special guest on several television programs on SKY Deutschland: tonight he will comment the matches of the Champions League starting from 7pm as reported here, and tomorrow, 6 November, the German public of Sky will see him again, this time at the Harald Schmidt Show on Sky Hit and Sky Hit HD at 10:15 pm.
Furthermost Sky Deutschland will host this year's edition of the José Carreras Gala, that will be broadcast live on 19 December, 8:15 pm: more details should be announced on Thursday after a special press conference Carreras will take part too.
La stessa presentazione avrà luogo anche a Berlino questo venerdì, 8 novembre (*): nel frattempo, Josep Carreras sarà ospite di diversi programmi televisivi di SKY Deutschland: questa sera commenterà le partite della Champions League a partire dalle ore 19 secondo quanto riportato qui, e domani, 6 novembre, il pubblico tedesco di Sky potrà vederlo ancora, questa volta all'Harald Schmidt Show su Sky Hit e Sky Hit HD alle 22:15.
Sky Deutchland sarà anche chi ospiterà quest'anno la 19esima edizione del José Carreras Gala, in onda il 19 dicembre alle 20:15: ulteriori dettagli dovrebbero essere resi noti da una conferenza stampa cui parteciperà anche Josep Carreras, e che dovrebbe essere prevista per questo giovedì.
(*) Presentazione a Berlino/ Presentation in Berlin:
Key facts:
As previously announced, yesterday Josep Carreras presented at the Novomatic Kunstforum in Vienna his future projects: first, his new album "25 - Meraviglioso", on sale from 6 December, perhaps before in Austria, and his next operatic debut with the new opera "El Juez (Los niños perdidos).
Despite the main thing was to present the almub, entitled to the 25 years since his victory over leukemia and to Meraviglioso, a song by Domenico Modugno he sang live for the first time last Thursday in Vienna during a sport charity gala, the press seems more interested about the new opera in which he will debut in Bilbao during the world premiere. However, many great artists such as José Feliciano, Lang Lang, Richard Galliano, Alison Balsom and David Garrett collaborated to tge making of in a disinterested way, supporting with their copyright the José Carreras Leukaemia Foundation.
Taking advantage of the fact that the producer of " 25 - Meraviglioso", Christian Kolonovits, is the composer of " El Juez" as well , they shared some details of the opera focused on the theme of the stolen children after the dictatorship in Spain. The topic is a further stimulus for the tenor who feels even more involved in it: after the presentation at the Teatro Arriaga in Bilbao scheduled for 26 , 29 April and 2 May , it will be represented at the Erl Tyrolean Festival, in Austria, on 9, 12 and 15 August; further performances might be expected in the future in St. Petersburg, Japan, Buenos Aires and even Vienna.
Josep Carreras will embody Federico, the judge who, as Kolonovits pointed out, started a research about stolen children from parents who were dissidents with Franco's dictatorship in the 60's: there is no intention to launch a debate on the political situation, because the political message stay behind the artistic interest of the work, which marks our tenor's operatic comeback after several years devoted exclusively to concerts and recitals.
About this, Carreras ironically alluded to a second artistic youth, and claims to have no imminent plans to retire yet: time will come, but the happiness he feels every time he performs on stage led him selfishly to desire to continue for a few years more: how many will depend on many factors.
The same presentation will also take place in Berlin this Friday, Nov. 8: meanwhile, Josep Carreras will be a special guest on several television programs on SKY Deutschland: tonight he will comment the matches of the Champions League starting from 7pm as reported here, and tomorrow, 6 November, the German public of Sky will see him again, this time at the Harald Schmidt Show on Sky Hit and Sky Hit HD at 10:15 pm.
Furthermost Sky Deutschland will host this year's edition of the José Carreras Gala, that will be broadcast live on 19 December, 8:15 pm: more details should be announced on Thursday after a special press conference Carreras will take part too.
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