Josep Carreras, esta noche en TVE1

Per i fortunati che hanno la possibilità di vedere questo canale, stasera alle 23.40, per circa 50-55 minuti, Josep Carreras parteciperà alla trasmissione "En Noches como esta", insieme al diplomatico Inocencio Arias, in una conversazione con Juan Ramón Lucas. Il tenore catalano percorrerà le tappe della sua carriera professionale.

Che io sappia attraverso internet è possibile vedere in diretta solamente il canale 24 HORAS, che però non trasmetterà il programma. Se qualcuno ne sapesse di più e conoscesse un modo per seguire la trasmissione attraverso la rete, per favore ci informi.

Qui potete leggere l'annuncio nel dettaglio, pubblicato da Diario de Mallorca.
E questa è la traduzione in inglese. Grazie Maria!!!

Juan Ramón Lucas will talk with Josep Carreras and Inocencio Arias during the Spanish televison program "En Noches como esta" (On nights like this one).
Catalan tenor Josep Carreras and diplomatic Inocencio Arias, will be chatting tonight with Juan Ramón Lucas, during TVE 1 program "En Noches como esta" (On nights like this one). The program will be broadcast after the program "Águila Roja", (The Red Eagle).
Josep Carreras sang the first time when he was eight years old. He performed "La Donna e mobile" in a Spanish radio and until the present never stoped doing so.
Carreras first major success came by the hand of another great Catalan singer, Montserrat Caballé, who invited him to be part of a "Lucrezia Borgia". And then he sang again with Montserrat Caballe in the opera "Mary Stuart."
In 1987, at the height of his powers, Jose Carreras contracted leukemia. He was able to overcome it thanks to a tortuous treatment and a bone marrow transplant and a year later, he founded the José Carreras International Foundation for the fight against this disease.
Inocencio Arias, who entered the diplomatic career in 1967 has had many destinations such as Bolivia, Algeria and Portugal and was spokesman for the Office of Diplomatic Information for several years.
During the Aznar Government, when speaking in the Escorial summer courses, Inocencio Arias made some statements pointing out that if there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, all the grounds and reasons of the decision would be lost and the war would be intensely questioned.
Arias has been appointed by governments of different political parties to take on responsibilities ranging from Secretary of State for International Cooperation and Ibero-American Affairs to Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
