Press conference and interview to Josep Carreras, Jackie Evancho and David Giménez for their concert of tomorrow in Taiwan
Josep Carreras è arrivato mercoledì pomeriggio a Taiwan in occasione del concerto che offrirà domani, 20 aprile, insieme alla giovanissima cantante Jackie Evancho.
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Josep Carreras, Jackie Evancho and David Giménez. Source: JackieEFansLAT (facebook) |
Nel video vedrete l'arrivo presso il Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport: Josep Carreras in tenuta casual accompagnato dal figlio Albert, da David Giménez e dal suo rappresentante Michael Storrs, ha ricevuto una buona accoglienza e, nonostante la stanchezza dovuta al lungo volo, ha salutato cordialmente e si è reso disponibile a rispondere ad una domanda. Ha spiegato che non si tratta della sua prima visita a Taiwan e che è molto felice ed onorato di fare ritorno in questo paese alla luce dei ricordi delle sue esperienze trascorse non solo a Taipei capitale, ma anche in altre città.
Nel video vedrete l'arrivo presso il Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport: Josep Carreras in tenuta casual accompagnato dal figlio Albert, da David Giménez e dal suo rappresentante Michael Storrs, ha ricevuto una buona accoglienza e, nonostante la stanchezza dovuta al lungo volo, ha salutato cordialmente e si è reso disponibile a rispondere ad una domanda. Ha spiegato che non si tratta della sua prima visita a Taiwan e che è molto felice ed onorato di fare ritorno in questo paese alla luce dei ricordi delle sue esperienze trascorse non solo a Taipei capitale, ma anche in altre città.
Ieri si è tenuta la conferenza stampa di presentazione del concerto alla quale hanno partecipato Josep Carreras, David Giménez e anche Jackie Evancho. Per la giovanissima cantante che ha da poco compiuto 13 anni si tratta della prima visita a Taiwan e si è detta estremamente onorata di potersi esibire lì, oltre all'essere profondamente grata a Josep Carreras per averle dato questa opportunità. Carreras, che in precedenza aveva ribadito il concetto già espresso all'arrivo in aeroporto, risponde a Jackie sottolineando il gran piacere, la meravigliosa esperienza che suppone per un artista della sua età collaborare con le generazioni più giovani di cantanti, anzi giovanissime in questo caso. Carreras aveva ascoltato i dischi di Jackie ed era a conoscenza del successo che sta avendo da qualche anno, quindi ha accettato immediatamente non appena ha saputo dell'eventualità di cantare insieme a lei: il tenore ha confessato di apprezzare particolarmente la sua voce che non è più esattamente come quello di una bambina ma più simile a quello di un'adolescente.
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Jackie Evancho and Josep Carreras. Source: JackieEFansLAT (facebook) |
David Giménez, dopo aver accennato a ricordi molto positivi delle diverse esperienze con ottime orchestre durante le sue visite precedenti in Taiwan, si è detto molto contento di lavorare con Jackie per la prima volta poiché ha una voce sorprendente considerando la sua giovane età, e non ha mostrato dubbi sul successo di questo concerto e della combinazione vincente di questi due artisti, anche alla luce del repertorio che è stato scelto per l'occasione: questo, infatti, verterà sull'accostamento di brani d'opera e famose ouverture di Verdi, Bizet, all'operetta e a brani cross over e canzoni napoletane, risultando così molto vario e facilmente apprezzabile da parte del pubblico che ritroverà anche brani estremamente popolari.
Jackie, con già 3 anni di carriera alle spalle, spiega brevemente il suo rapporto con la musica soffermandosi sulle emozioni che questa le suscita, e ricorre ad un'espressione forte confessando di essere quasi "posseduta" dalla musica: in commento, Carreras afferma che la giovane collega ha individuato la parola chiave dell'essere artista, emozioni, quelle che ogni artista, che sia pittore, fotografo, cantante o musicista dovrebbe sentire e riuscire a trasmettere, e a detta sua Jackie è già piuttosto capace di farlo.
In merito al repertorio, gli viene richiesto di citare qualche esempio di brano famoso che verrà proposto durante il concerto e Carreras sul momento sembrava in difficoltà, ma con estrema simpatia ha preso tempo e ha menzionato la celeberrima Core 'ngrato, con cui solitamente chiude il programma ufficiale dei concerti.
L'ultima parte della conferenza stampa viene riservata a Taiwan come paese, che Carreras ha definito moderno e avanzato soffermandosi sulla cordialità delle persone tale da farti sentire a casa, lo stesso motivo per cui vi fa spesso ritorno. David Giménez, in conclusione, ne elogia anche l'aspetto naturalistico e la bellezza dei paesaggi marittimi dell'isola.
Al termine, Josep Carreras, Jackie Evancho e David Giménez vengono omaggiati. Il concerto è previsto per domani, 20 aprile, presso il Changhua County Stadium alle ore 19:30 ora locale in Taiwan, UTC/GMT +8 hours.
Key facts:
Josep Carreras arrived in Taiwan on Wednesday afternoon on occasion of the concert he will offer tomorrow, 20 April, together with young singer Jackie Evancho.
In the video you will see his arrival at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport: Josep Carreras, in casual clothes, accompanied by his son Albert, David Giménez and his representative Michael Storrs, was warmly welcomed, and despite being tired due to long flight, he cordially greeted and offered to answer a question. Carreras explained that this is not his first visit to Taiwan, and that he is very happy and honoured to return to this country, due to his good memories of his past experiences not only in Taipei capital, but also in other cities.
Yesterday was held the press conference to present the concert, which was attended by Josep Carreras, David Giménez and Jackie Evancho. For the young singer who has just turned 13 this is the first visit to Taiwan and said she was extremely honored to be able to perform there, besides being deeply grateful to Josep Carreras for giving her this opportunity to sing together. Carreras, who had earlier repeated the concept already expressed as he arrived at the airport, answered Jackie emphasizing his great pleasure, the wonderful experience that is supposed to an artist of his age to work with younger generations of singers, even very, very young one in this case . Carreras had listened to Jackie's records, and was aware of the success she is having in the last few years, so when he heard of the possibility of singing with her he immediatly accepted: the tenor confessed he particularly appreciates his voice, that isn't exactly like that of a child anymore, but more similar to that of a teenager.
David Giménez, after mentioning some very positive memories of different experiences with excellent orchestras during his previous visits in Taiwan, said he was very pleased to be working with Jackie for the first time since she has an amazing voice considering her young age, and showed no doubts about the success of this concert and the winning combination of these two artists, especially referring to the repertoire that has been chosen for this occasion: this, in fact, will focus on the combination of opera excerpts and famous overture by Verdi, Bizet, operetta, cross over and Neapolitan songs, making it very varied and easily appreciable by the audience who will be listening also extremely popular songs.
Jackie, with as early as 3 years of career behind her, briefly explained her relationship with music focusing on the emotions it arouses, and used to a strong expression confessing to be almost "possessed" by the music. As a coment to this, Carreras said his young collegue had identified the key word for an artist, emotions, those that each artist, no matter if a painter, photographer, singer or musician should feel and be able to transmit to people, and according to him Jackie is already quite capable of doing it.
As regards to the repertoire, he was asked to mention a few examples of famous tunes that will be offered during the concert, and Carreras at the moment seemed a little bit in trouble, but he took time in a very nice way and mentioned the famous Core 'ngrato, which usually closes the official program of the concerts.
The last part of the press conference was dedicated to Taiwan as a country, that Carreras has defined modern and advanced, focusing on the people cordiality that makes you feel at home, the same reason that makes him return so often. David Giménez, in conclusion, it also praises the naturalistic and the beauty of the seascapes of the island. At the end, Josep Carreras, Jackie Evancho and David Giménez were homaged with a special gift. The concert will take place tomorrow, 20 April, 7:30 pm, Taiwanese time, UCT/GMT +8 hours, at the Changhua County Stadium.
L'ultima parte della conferenza stampa viene riservata a Taiwan come paese, che Carreras ha definito moderno e avanzato soffermandosi sulla cordialità delle persone tale da farti sentire a casa, lo stesso motivo per cui vi fa spesso ritorno. David Giménez, in conclusione, ne elogia anche l'aspetto naturalistico e la bellezza dei paesaggi marittimi dell'isola.
Al termine, Josep Carreras, Jackie Evancho e David Giménez vengono omaggiati. Il concerto è previsto per domani, 20 aprile, presso il Changhua County Stadium alle ore 19:30 ora locale in Taiwan, UTC/GMT +8 hours.
Key facts:
Josep Carreras arrived in Taiwan on Wednesday afternoon on occasion of the concert he will offer tomorrow, 20 April, together with young singer Jackie Evancho.
In the video you will see his arrival at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport: Josep Carreras, in casual clothes, accompanied by his son Albert, David Giménez and his representative Michael Storrs, was warmly welcomed, and despite being tired due to long flight, he cordially greeted and offered to answer a question. Carreras explained that this is not his first visit to Taiwan, and that he is very happy and honoured to return to this country, due to his good memories of his past experiences not only in Taipei capital, but also in other cities.
Yesterday was held the press conference to present the concert, which was attended by Josep Carreras, David Giménez and Jackie Evancho. For the young singer who has just turned 13 this is the first visit to Taiwan and said she was extremely honored to be able to perform there, besides being deeply grateful to Josep Carreras for giving her this opportunity to sing together. Carreras, who had earlier repeated the concept already expressed as he arrived at the airport, answered Jackie emphasizing his great pleasure, the wonderful experience that is supposed to an artist of his age to work with younger generations of singers, even very, very young one in this case . Carreras had listened to Jackie's records, and was aware of the success she is having in the last few years, so when he heard of the possibility of singing with her he immediatly accepted: the tenor confessed he particularly appreciates his voice, that isn't exactly like that of a child anymore, but more similar to that of a teenager.
David Giménez, after mentioning some very positive memories of different experiences with excellent orchestras during his previous visits in Taiwan, said he was very pleased to be working with Jackie for the first time since she has an amazing voice considering her young age, and showed no doubts about the success of this concert and the winning combination of these two artists, especially referring to the repertoire that has been chosen for this occasion: this, in fact, will focus on the combination of opera excerpts and famous overture by Verdi, Bizet, operetta, cross over and Neapolitan songs, making it very varied and easily appreciable by the audience who will be listening also extremely popular songs.
Jackie, with as early as 3 years of career behind her, briefly explained her relationship with music focusing on the emotions it arouses, and used to a strong expression confessing to be almost "possessed" by the music. As a coment to this, Carreras said his young collegue had identified the key word for an artist, emotions, those that each artist, no matter if a painter, photographer, singer or musician should feel and be able to transmit to people, and according to him Jackie is already quite capable of doing it.
As regards to the repertoire, he was asked to mention a few examples of famous tunes that will be offered during the concert, and Carreras at the moment seemed a little bit in trouble, but he took time in a very nice way and mentioned the famous Core 'ngrato, which usually closes the official program of the concerts.
The last part of the press conference was dedicated to Taiwan as a country, that Carreras has defined modern and advanced, focusing on the people cordiality that makes you feel at home, the same reason that makes him return so often. David Giménez, in conclusion, it also praises the naturalistic and the beauty of the seascapes of the island. At the end, Josep Carreras, Jackie Evancho and David Giménez were homaged with a special gift. The concert will take place tomorrow, 20 April, 7:30 pm, Taiwanese time, UCT/GMT +8 hours, at the Changhua County Stadium.
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